

Microdermabrasion is a non invasive non chemical skincare treatment that removed the outermost layer of dead skin. It helps treat blemishes, dry skin, mild scarring and non active acne and rosacea. It will leave you feeling renewed and refreshed! Our treatments are customized for our sensitive to acne prone clients. 

Ontario’s Best Microdermabrasion

What is Microdermabrasion?

Skin treatments include microdermabrasion, micro needling, chemical peels and face masks. Clients should consult with a skincare professional or dermatologist when making decisions on skin care treatments. Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive, non- chemical skin resurfacing treatment. It exfoliates the outer most layer of dead skin cells while stimulating collagen growth to reveal healthy new skin that looks and feels smoother. Fine lines, blemishes, dull skin, mild scarring and sunspots can be improved, especially with regular treatments. Products such as moisturizers, creams and lotions are more easily absorbed and therefore more effective after microdermabrasion treatment. This is a painless, low-risk skincare treatment that can be added to your beauty routine.

The Importance of Microdermabrasion

Skin is exposed to harsh environmental elements and other damaging agents that can make it dry, dull, and worn out. The sun’s UV rays, pollution, unhealthy sleeping, work habits, food, products used and slow collagen production take a toll on skin.


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