The Best Oakville Microdermabrasion is at Eye Candy on Lakeshore

Skin care 101: Oakville Microdermabrasion at Eye Candy

November 9, 2019|Microdermabrasion, Oakville, Skin Care, Skin tightening

Oakville Microdermabrasion at Eye Candy on Lakeshore
Oakville Microdermabrasion at Eye Candy on Lakeshroe

 Oakville Microdermabrasion  

We are going to be in our skin for a very, very long time. Skin care is so important when it comes to confidence. Microdermabrasion is one of our top beauty services at Eye Candy on Lakeshore. Check out more information below 🙂

To speak to one of our microdermabrasion specialists, Text or Call to book an Oakville Microdermabrasion service  289-837-4277 

Microdermabrasion is today’s  leading skin rejuvenation process. Eye Candy on Lakeshore offers Oakville’s best Microdermabrasion services. There are several opportunities to sign up online or email us at [email protected]

What is Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is a non-chemical, non-invasive procedure that uses a spray of microcrystals to remove the outermost layer of dry, dead skin cells and reveal younger, healthier-looking skin. It helps reduce acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles. Professional, certified microdermabrasion technicians are beauty experts on the theory, and practice of the microdermabrasion skin rejuvenation technique.

Why Choose Eye Candy on Lakeshore?

We pride ourselves on providing top Oakville beauty services and courses on a professional level. Jessica and Ashley are specialists  trained and certified as beauty technicians. Our professional staff will assess you and your individual needs and provide you with top Oakville beauty care. Eye Candy on Lakeshore is always up to date with the latest beauty trends. We follow Ontario health Standards and our customer satisfaction is our top priority. For any questions or comments, please call us at  289-837-4277.